At Aria, we want your experience to be pleasant and enjoyable. If cooking, cleaning, laundry and other chores are draining your energy, our friendly staff will take care of these everyday tasks for you. Here are some of the many perks and benefits offered at Aria:
Private and semi-private suites
Large flat-screen TVs, games, movies
All-day beverages and snacks
Complimentary laundry services
Complimentary housekeeping services
Beautiful outdoor garden and courtyard
Community Garden
WiFi, Skype, and desktop computers accessible 24/7
Family lounges
Card and game room
A beauty salon and barbershop
Private rehab rooms
Private Bathrooms
Outpatient therapy entrance
Emergency call system with 24-hour monitoring
Free transportation to appointments in a wheelchair-accessible van
Sharing delicious, fresh, healthful meals with friends and family is one of the most meaningful parts of life. Our celebrated professional chefs provide menus of various cuisines and culinary styles. Our full-time, in-house nutrition specialists can accommodate special dietary needs, helping you make healthy choices while enjoying nourishing food.
Inspired, flavorful food that accommodates dietary restrictions
Breakfast, lunch, and supper each day are included in your stay.
Each menu features two entree options
Choice of dining room or room service

While at home, you may not have many opportunities to socialize and be active, at Aria, you’ll have plenty of them right outside your door.
From Tuesday Happy Hour to pet therapy, barbecues to shopping outings, volunteerism to holiday celebrations, and more, we offer a variety of options for social interaction, physical and mental engagement, and spiritual and emotional wellness.